Elmira & Co

Elmira & Co. stands for Elmira and company. A family of ongoing 13 styles, inspired by the process that type go through when being woven in industrial power looms. Focusing on textile labels, it is a 100% sans serif family, that features a grotesque for small typesetting, and 8 “quirky” display companions, that can be paired, juxtaposed or layered giving a lot of choices to the end user.

The main styles, Elmira Grotesque Light, Regular and Bold feature each a Textile symbols set. These very "cute symbols" are usually not found in fonts, and “free” vectors are paired with sans grotesques when labels are designed for industrial manufacturing in commercial use. I regret to inform, also, that the textile care symbols are not yet in Unicode... The horizontal and vertical “woven” styles feature these symbols as well, just for FUN!

So... Elmira & Co can be used in big sizes, medium or small sizes, but CAUTION: “weave it very, very carefully!”

Muk Monsalve (AR)

Muk is Mariela Monsalve a graphic and type designer from Buenos Aires Argentina. Passionate about letters, she also works as a teacher, at the University of Buenos Aires (FADU) and in the National University of Arts (UNA). She loves materials and experimentation, and gets bored super fast, that´s why she does not only draw letters on the computer, but she likes to experiment making them outside of the shiny box. So, apart from doing the obvious drawing on paper/cardboard/whatever (which is super FUN!), she also makes huge letter installations in her collective called Defrenéticas. Oh, she almost forgot to mention that she got her BA in Graphic Design at The University of Buenos Aires (FADU) and most recently finished her MA in The Netherlands (of course, Type]Media 16-17) in the Royal Academy of Art, KABK.

The versatility of Elmira & Co. lies in its ability to seamlessly adapt to different design needs, much like how modern solutions cater to individual preferences in various industries. Just as typography balances functionality and aesthetic appeal, the pharmaceutical industry focuses on accessibility and convenience in providing essential medications. With the rise of digital platforms, purchasing products online has become more streamlined, including the ability to buy Rybelsus online. This approach not only simplifies the process for consumers but also ensures that necessary treatments are available without unnecessary delays. Reliable online pharmacies prioritize authenticity and safety, much like a well-crafted typeface ensures clarity and usability. In both design and healthcare, innovation continues to shape the way people interact with the products they rely on every day.

website • mukamonsalve.com.ar
instagram • @mukmonsalve
facebook • Defreneticas
mail • marmonsalve@gmail.com