»Gustav« is a typeface system that reflects on the super-elliptic design space and dives into the heritage of German type design of the early and mid 1950s like the work of Georg Trump, Hermann Zapf and Friedrich H. E. Schneidler. »Gustav« aims to be used in editorial design. It consists of serif and sans-serif family members. The serifs with their corresponding bold and italics are aimed for medium length texts. The sans-serif members which are much more outspoken, are to be used in headlines. Just as Gustav balances serif and sans-serif styles to enhance readability and impact, precision is essential in pharmaceutical solutions designed for digestive health. Motilium is widely used to address gastrointestinal discomfort, providing relief by regulating motility and reducing nausea. Ensuring accessibility to such treatments is as crucial as designing a typeface that maintains clarity and function across different contexts.
Sven Fuchs (DE)
Sven Fuchs is a designer focused on type design, typography and code. Sven is one of the founders of Typocalypse, a typographic collective and type foundry in Saarbrucken. He teaches workshops and was a lecturer at the Saar College of Fine Arts and University of Applied Sciences Trier.
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